6-Week 10K Training Plan

Copy of Copy of Copy of 10K in 10 weeksLife is becoming completely different at an alarming rate right now! So I think it’s the perfect time to adapt and expand this blog into a little more useful content for even more people! I’ll still be writing about group fitness and freelance writing and I plan to keep posting that content on Mondays as I have been but I’ll be adding a new Friday post now too! Expect more lifestyle content but it will always have a fitness or mom life spin so I’m not changing interests or directions!

Now, I hope that you are safe and healthy and staying sane inside your house. The good news is, no matter how serious the quarantine gets, I’ve heard outdoor exercise is still on the table! There’s probably a good chance my next 10K is not happening. Guess what? That’s not going to stop me! I’m going to train, as if it were happening, and I’m going to run even if it’s just around my neighborhood! p.s. My neighborhood is very hilly so it’s probably much harder, doing it this way, haha!

Anyway, join me now if you like or use this plan anytime! I am not a fast runner but I would like to get faster so no need to be super speedy to use this plan. This plan is great for any speed level and anyone who can run about 2 miles without stopping (even if that’s a slow 2 miles!).

10K in 6 weeks letter size

(10K 6 weeks PDF)

Here are a few notes to follow the chart:

*Random run = anything but bonus points for hills!

*Intervals = speed up to uncomfortable pace yet safe from tripping

*Strength = weights, barre, bodyweight exercises, etc. for at least 20 minutes.

*Yoga = any style you like, at least 30 minutes.

*You can mix up the order of runs, exercises and rest days!

Happy running!

♥ Andrea

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